Слава Україні - “Slava Ukrayini”

Brent, a successful American entrepreneur, was living and working in the Ukraine when the Russians invaded in February 2022.
But Brent decided to stay and help where he could, and distribute funds to needy residents, victims and refugees in Kyiv and Ukraine.

Here are his war entries. You can donate here:

Tuesday 12 April 2022

Zoo in Kyiv still stands!

The zoo in Kyiv it's still beautiful & it still stands!

Some of the animals including lions, tigers and wild cats have been rehomed to zoos in Poland but this is just not going to be possible for many species.

The current situation in Ukraine is having a drastic effect on the nation’s zoos, just as WWII did at London Zoo. Right now, the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA) and the World Association of Zoos and Aquaria (WAZA) are working to support the Ukrainian zoos as much as they can.

There are three large zoos, Nikolaev Zoo, Kyiv Zoological Park and Kharkiv Zoo, in cities currently under attack by the Russian military, which have talked about how they are currently coping. Outsiders might think the best thing to do would be to evacuate the animals into a safer environment away from the war zone. But this is an incredibly risky endeavour. In a tense and difficult environment animals may be fearful of the sounds around them. Loading highly stressed animals into crates and transporting them across noisy and complicated conflict zones could cause severe illness or death, quite apart from the danger of being hit by gunfire.

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